Sunday, November 18, 2007


Welcome to the Music Parlour, a group of music aficionados in Carrboro, NC. We'll use this blog to discuss new and old music, and we'll also hold monthly meetings to eat, drink and discuss music.

Parlour, from the french "parler," denotes a room or audience chamber for the discussion of current events, past events, or simply intelligent dialogue. Simone de Beauvoir and Jean Paul Sartre used to sit down for examinations on life in such a parlour setting.

What I am proposing is far less existential, but I think we should develop a sort of weekly/monthly music parlour. Cooler than a book club, it will invite the notable music minds (eg. us) of Carrboro/Chapel Hill to come prepared with music, new or old, that they feel other people simply must hear. Inevitably, it will result in the free exchange of great music, heads up on shows in the area, maybe even films about great music. We could rotate locations, the only requisite is a fairly decent stereo such that the music can be enjoyed by all.

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